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CS 1.6 STEAM ONLY SERVER INSTALLATION TUTORIAL FOR LINUXIntroductionWhat do you need to make your own counter-strike server on Linux?- a computer with Linux o ssh acces - root privileges - a internet conection (speed at least 100kB/s metro and extern) throw OPTIC FIBER. . - 1-2 GB HDD space - wget, screen and a text editor (pico, nano or mcedit) Downloading the filesFirst of all, create e directory.Code:
Then download the next tools: - HldsUpdateTool Code:
- AdminMod + MetaMod Code:
Instaling the server:1. Let's start with hldsupdatetool.binCode:
The command must result a new file, colled steam 2. Now, we start to install the server: Code:
Probably will make update, after that repeat the commad. Just press UP ARROW, then ENTER.. When it's ready, will show you the next message: HLDS installation up to date 3.Instaling the mod (counter-strike) Code:
When is ready, you will receive a message like this: HLDS installation up to date server.cfg In /usr/hlds/cstrike is a file, called server.cfg. Open that file with cu pico, nano, mcedit, vi DELETE EVERYTHING from server.cfg and add the next cvar's : Code: replace <HOSTNAME> with your server name.. At <PASSWORD> write a password. With that password you can control the server from distance. That's all.. don't change other cvar's in server.cfg.. AdminMod installWe have download halflife-admin-2.50.60-linux.tar.gz Extract it AnyWhere.Code:
Nou we have a folder, called AdminMod. Now use the next commands: Code:
At the first question we write yes and press enter The next question is abbout default directory of hlds.. We write /usr/hlds si enter. Then we have to select the mod. Write 1 (for cstrike) and press ENTER. Then Y and ENTER to the next questions. That's all. Minimal Configuration for AdminMod:Go in /usr/hlds/cstrike/addons/adminmod/config Code:
Here we have some files that require out atention. We start with adminmod.cfg that we open with Your text editor. Code:
admin_balance_teams - we are not interested in this, so let it 0 admin_bot_protection - if is 0 and we have bot's on the server, this cvar will let the admin to slay/ kick ban, to bot's. admin_connect_msg - this is the message that will appeare to the player, in the middle of the monitor, after he connect's to the server. admin_cs_restrict - we will put it on 1 to restrict the weapons in the game. admin_debug - we are not interested in this, so let it 0 admin_fun_mode - this cvar will make the players to shine. So let it 0. admin_fx - we will put change it in 1. Special effects admin_gag_name - 0 or 1 . Witch you like.. admin_gag_sayteam - 0 or 1 . Witch you like.. admin_highlander - this must be 0, because if will change it in 1, only the "biggest" admin will have acces to commands. admin_ignore_immunity - If is 1 the admins / moderators can kick, ban, slay each other. admin_repeat_msg - The green message that will appear on the center every 5-10 minutes. admin_quiet - if is 0, the commands will appear with the admin nick. If is 1, the commands will appear without admin nickname. allow_client_exec - MUST BE 1 !. With this command you will force the player to execute the commands (quit..) password_field - the most important cvar,. what we will write here, the admins must write in game-consol before connecting to the server. For example if we put _password, the admin gigi with the password gigi123 must write in the game-console gigi after that setinfo _password gigi123 before connecting to the server. reserve_slots - Here we will write the number of reserved slots. when the server is full, the admin can connect to it. reserve_type - we are not interested in this, so let it 0 You will see that we don't write all cvars because it's recommended to let them in the original form. Adding / deleting adminsWe have to open users.ini with wordpad. Here we have to write the admin names, passwords, and acces..For example we will create admin gigi and the password gigi123. In users.ini we will write this lineCode:
For custom acces levels, go to http://www.adminmod.org/help/online/Admin_Mod_Reference/Access_Levels_and_Respective_Admin_Commands.htm there custom your admin commands, and press "calculate access right" Write the number that result after admin name and password. in the example with gigi, we replace 131071 with the number that result. Each admin line will be under the last. NOT consecutive. Secure serverGo in /usr/hlds/cstrike directory and open liblist.gam with pico, nano or mcedit. Replace secure "1" with secure "0".Starting the server:Go in l /usr/hlds and write the next command:Code:
TO start the server, use this command: Code:
This command put's the server on the background. Too acces it, use the next command: Code:
To make it background again, Hold ctrl, then press and hold A, then press D If we want to start the server once with the boot, write the next command's in /etc/rc.local Code: