Server Name |
Name of the server. example: Counter-Strike 1.6 Server |
Rcon & Server passswords |
rcon_password - Set rcon passsword. Leave blank to disable rcon |
sv_password - Set server password. Leave blank to disable |
Server Cvars |
mp_friendlyfire - Turn on/off friendlyfire. Default: Off |
mp_footsteps - Turn on/off footsteps. Default: On |
mp_autoteambalance - Force clients to auto-join the opposite team if they are not balanced. Default: On |
mp_autokick - Kick idle/team-killing players. Default Off |
mp_flashlight - Turn on/off the ability for clients to use flashlight. Default: Off |
mp_tkpunish - Punish TK'ers on next round? Default: On |
mp_forcecamera - Force dead players to first person mode, effectively disabling freelook. Default: Off |
mp_limitteams - Max number of players 1 team can have over another. Default: 2 |
mp_hostagepenalty - How many hostages a Terrorist can kill before being kicked, 0 to disable. Default: 5 |
mp_allowspectators - Allow spectators on the server. Default: Yes |
mp_timelimit - Amount of time in minutes each map is played before switching to the next map. Default: 25 |
mp_chattime - amount of time in seconds players can chat after the game is over. Lower value = faster map load change. Default: 10 |
sv_cheats - Allow cheats on server. Default: Off |
sv_allowupload - Allow clients to upload their custom decals to the server. Default: Yes |
sv_allowdownload - Allow clients to downnload files. Default: Yes |
sv_maxspeed - Maximum speed a player can move. Default: 320 |
sv_gravity - Amount of gravity in the game. Default: 800 |
pausable - Can the server be paused? Default: Off |
Round Cvars |
mp_freezetime - Time in seconds to keep players frozen when the round starts. Default: 6 |
mp_roundtime - How much time in minutes does a round last. Default: 5 |
mp_startmoney - Amount of money each player gets when they reset (16000 max) Default: 800 |
mp_c4timer - The amount of time in seconds before bomb explodes after planted. Default: 45 |
mp_fraglimit - Amount of frags a player can exceed before changing maps. Default: 0 |
mp_maxrounds - Amount of round to play before server changes maps. Default: 0 |
mp_winlimit - Max number of rounds one team can win before server changes maps. Default: 0 |
Bandwidth Rates |
sv_rate - Server rate. Default: 5500 |
sv_minrate - Min bandwidth rate allowed on server.Default: 0 (unlimited) |
sv_minupdaterate - Minimum updates per second that the server will allow. Default: 10 |
decalfrequency - Amount of time in seconds a player can spray their decal. Default: 10 |
Server logging |
log - Enable server logging? Default: On |
sv_logbans - Log server bans in the server logs. Default: Off |
sv_logecho - Echo log information to the console. Default: On |
sv_logfile - Log server information in the log file. Default: On |
sv_log_onefile - Log server information to only one file. Default: No |
Internet Settings |
Upload Speed - Your upload speed in KB. Test your uplooad speed here |
Maxplayers - How many peoples can connect on server? Default: 22 |
sv_lan - Will the server be public or Private LAN? Default: LAN & Internet |
sv_region - Geographic location of the server. Default: World |
sv_contact - Contact email for server admin. Leave blank to disable |